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Invisalign treatment in Cary: What to expect?

It’s a common myth that only teens and kids need orthodontic care. While straightening your teeth early in life is much easier, you can check for advanced treatments like Invisalign as an adult, too. Invisalign continues to remain the most preferred way to treat mild orthodontic concerns. Not everyone is an ideal patient for the procedure, which is why you should see an experienced orthodontist in Cary, NC, to know more. In this post, we are discussing what to expect when you start with Invisalign treatment.

  • The first appointment: During the first meeting with the orthodontist, they will do a comprehensive check and discuss your expectations. If they believe that you can benefit from Invisalign, they will explain the procedure. When that is not an option, they will talk of other treatments that may help achieve a straighter smile.
  • Making molds: On your next appointment, the dentist will do digital scans and X-rays to create a model of your mouth. Many clinics now have advanced 3D technology to plan Invisalign treatment. The dentist or orthodontist will send models to a dental lab to design clear aligners customized for your needs.
  • Getting the first aligners: Once the clear aligners are ready, you will return to the clinic to check the fittings of the trays. Your dentist may need to make minor adjustments to ensure that the aligners fit your teeth accurately. They will also share instructions about how to remove and reuse the trays. You must wear these aligners for 22 hours each day for best results, but unlike conventional braces, you can remove them while brushing and eating.
  • Follow-up appointments: Typically, you will have to come back after two to three weeks to see the progress of the treatment. You will need to replace the initial Invisalign trays and get new ones. You may need a series of such aligners to achieve the desired results. If the orthodontist finds the treatment is not working as expected, they may repeat the scan and X-rays.

Will getting Invisalign trays hurt?

No, you wouldn’t experience pain during the procedure, not even when the trays are adjusted. However, it is common to experience some discomfort, but once you get used to the aligners, this isn’t much of a concern. If your dentist has used attachments to keep the Invisalign trays in place, those may feel unusual, but there is no need for local anesthesia either.

Visit an orthodontic clinic in Cary today!