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Mistakes to Avoid during Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopaedic surgery is a delicate procedure that requires precision and attention to detail. It can be easy to make mistakes, especially if you are new to the medical field or have never had orthopedic surgery before. This blog post will discuss a few of the most common mistakes made during Orthopaedic Surgery, so you know what not to do.

  1. Not following the doctor’s instructions

The most common mistake you can make during Orthopaedic Surgery is failing to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions. Many patients think that it is okay to do what they want after they’ve had their surgery because their doctors have told them that everything would be fine and there are no more risks involved with moving around or resting too much. The knee replacement surgery singapore is a good example of the doctor’s instructions.

  1. Not preparing for recovery

Another mistake you can make is not taking the time to prepare and recover. If you want your surgery to go as smoothly as possible, it’s important that you already have a plan in place before going under the knife.

  1. Not protecting your joints 

When you’re recovering from Orthopaedic Surgery, you must protect the areas of your body where doctors have performed the surgery. This includes not putting too much pressure on them and avoiding contact sports and activities such as jogging or weight lifting for a few months after the procedure is completed.