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Intraoral Cameras: Revolutionizing Dental Diagnostics

When you visit a dentist, you may happen to come across several tools used in the dental clinic. These may look odd resulting in anxiety and fear. One such unique tool used by dentists is an intraoral camera. But there is nothing to be nervous about. This tool used by the dentist in Buffalo Grove does not cause any pain or discomfort. Instead, it may be fun when your dentist uses it to examine your oral cavity. Scroll down to learn how it can benefit you. 

What is an intraoral camera?

An intraoral camera is a tool your dentist uses to examine your mouth in a detailed manner. This instrument looks like an oversized pen and has a tiny camera that captures high-resolution images of your mouth. These images are demonstrated on a monitor. These are high-tech versions of the hand mirrors that dentists often use for oral examination. 

How do intraoral cameras work?

Intraoral cameras are available as large-sized, hand-held pens that can examine your oral cavity and capture images. These are high-resolution images that are projected on a monitor which helps the dentist and patients view them easily. You can view the images right away unlike a conventional dental X-ray. However, they may show images only of the exterior surfaces of the teeth, whereas with X-rays you can view the internal and external details. 

Images captured by an intraoral camera can be stored digitally and referred to later on or the dentist can even have options to print them out. 

What can an intraoral camera capture?

The intraoral camera can help your dentist diagnose various conditions quicker, such as:

  1. Plaque build-up
  2. Cavities
  3. Broken fillings 
  4. Discolorations
  5. Stress lines 
  6. Cracks and fractures 
  7. Mouth sores and lesions 
  8. Gum disease 

What are the benefits of using an intraoral camera?

Intraoral cameras have been used for 25 years, but with technological advancements and the addition of amazing features, they are now becoming an integral part of dental practice due to several benefits. 

  1. Early detection of oral health problems 
  2. Improves patient-dentist relation
  3. Improves accuracy of the advised treatment 
  4. Enhances dentist’s credibility 


Intraoral cameras have revolutionized the world of dentistry. It has made dentists more accurate in their diagnosis and patients more accepting of the treatment advised. Understanding the reason for the treatment starts with accepting the fact that there is a problem. An intraoral camera is the best tool available to dentists through which they can show live images and videos of the problem areas and educate the patient about dental illness.