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Implant-Supported Dentures: Modern Teeth Replacement Prostheses

Prosthetic dentistry has tremendously evolved over the recent decades to help rehabilitate your oral cavity. Several prosthetic solutions have been invented to replace missing teeth since they can negatively impact your oral form, function, and aesthetics. Implant-supported dentures are innovative advances that provide permanent replacement of missing teeth with improved stability and superior aesthetics. 

Implant-supported dentures offered by the dentist in Pekin, IL, are superior-quality devices to enhance your oral health. 

An insight into implant-supported dentures 

When you have several missing teeth, implant-supported dentures are the most effective choice for teeth replacement. These dentures are directly attached to your jawbone with the help of dental implants, which are tiny screws inserted into the bone. These posts mimic the missing tooth roots that offer excellent anchorage and stability for dentures placed on them. 

Types of implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures are classified into:

  • Removable implant-supported dentures
  • Fixed implant-supported dentures 

Indications for implant-supported dentures 

Your dentist may recommend implant-supported dentures if you have multiple missing teeth in the dental arch. Isolated edentulous spaces can negatively impact your oral health, which requires rehabilitation through prostheses like implant-supported dentures. 

However, to be an ideal candidate for such dentures, you must have adequate bone thickness and density to accommodate the dental implants. You may require additional procedures like bone grafting to add volume in areas where you have lost bone. 

Placing implant-supported dentures 

Getting implant-supported dentures involves the following steps: 

  • Your dentist will initially extract any remaining tooth remnants or decayed teeth.  
  • A small incision will be made on the gums to raise a flap, exposing the underlying jawbone.
  • Tiny holes will be drilled in the bone to insert the implant posts. It usually takes 4 to 6 months for the implant to fuse with the bone. Meanwhile, you will be provided with healing dentures. 
  • Your dentist will record impressions of your upper and lower dental arches. These are sent to the lab for fabricating the new dentures.
  • Finally, your new customized dentures will be attached to the implants.

Benefits of implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures are gaining momentum because they:

  • Provide excellent stability 
  • Prevent bone loss in the jaw since they offer bone stimulation 
  • Resemble your natural teeth
  • Lasts longer than conventional dentures

Bottom line

Tooth loss can negatively impact your oral health due to compromised function and poor aesthetics. However, with recent advances in dentistry, these challenges can be overcome through implant-supported dentures. Explore oral rejuvenation to restore its original form, function, and aesthetics.